The research has 4 partial goals. They are focused on more accurate determination and possibilities of influencing of nutritive value of corn hybrids and corn ensilages. In agricultural practice, feeding rations of cattle are optimized on the base of protocols from laboratories. But those protocols are burdened with a big error. The cause lies in the fact that the original chemical analyses of the contents of organic nutrients are converted with using the same coefficients of digestibility for different hybrids, the methods of their cropping and for different types of conservation. Besides, those values of coefficients of digestibility are up to several dozens of years old and do not correspond to reality. Both the hybrids and the technology of cropping and ensilaging of corn have changed since the time of their determination. Although we can learn from literature that differences between hybrids and ensilages do exist, nothing has happened for a number of years in this sense. The goal of our researc (en)
Cílem je přispět k hlubšímu poznání výživných hodnot kukuřice, zlepšit velký biologický potenciál této plodiny, navrhnout pro její konzervaci nové technologické prvky, najít rezervy kde šetřit a jak efektivně kukuřici využívat v krmných dávkách skotu. (cs)