The Czech Republic participated a long period in the international evaluation of sires Interbull, which intend widely implant the international genomic evaluation within two years. For this evaluation each participating country has to provide their national genomic breeding value (GEBV). Following the impulse of associations of breeders, similarly like in the others countries with developed breeding, there is to scientifically prepare the estimation of GEBV for dairy cattle. The project consists on development of national method for calculation of GEBV for Czech Spotted and Holstein cattle. Input into research are databases of national BV calculated by ČMSCH, who is by law responsible for national evaluation and databases of large number of nucleotides (SNP) of sires, analysed from blood samples, sperm doses, or DNA. Databases will be organised by associations of breeders. Preparing of databases consist in genotyping approx. 1000 sires of the basic population in the first years, and about 200 sires y (en)
Vytvoření komplexních metodických postupů pro stanovení genomické plemenné hodnoty (GEPH) u hlavních vlastností dojených plemen skotu v ČR a jejich využití při šlechtění dojeného skotu. (cs)