The project is aimed at increasing the efficiency of breeding procedures in winter oilseed rape by means of utilization of verified and newly developed biotechnological and analytical methods. The goal is to create improved initial materials for breeding of lines and hybrids for food and industry which will compete with foreign cultivars in important agronomic traits. New initial materials with defined genetic diversity, developed doubled haploid (DH)lines and hybrid materials will be used in breeding. Hybrids will be produced on the basis of CMS Ogu-Inra, Shaan 2A and self-incompatible lines with improved 00 quality. New methods of molecular markers for Rf gene for CMS Ogu-Inra and Shaan 2A and markers for self-incompatible haplotypes will be developed. Yellow-seeded lines of domestic and Chinese origin will be used for production of hybrids with reduced fibre content. Methods of doubled haploid production by means of microspore culture technique will be used for deriving of DH lines. In vitro selec (en)
Využít nově vyvinuté, optimalizované a ověřené biotechnologické a analytické metody, nové výchozí materiály a efektivní šlechtitelské postupy u ozimé řepky, vytvořit liniové a hybridní odrůdy, schopné konkurovat zahraničním odrůdám (cs)