S využitím biodiverzity odrůd brambor s barevnou dužninou vyvinout a ověřit postupy produkce hlíz s vysokou antioxidační kapacitou, vysokým obsahem antokyanů a příznivou stolní hodnotou zajistit alternativní potravinu pro vyšší kvalitu výživy obyvatel. (cs)
The target of the project is the utilization of biodiversity of the population of potato cultivars, selection and distribution of new red and purple-fleshed potato cultivars with high anthocyanin content and significant antioxidants into the practice. Subject of the solution will be choice and following introduction into the practice of at least one variety, which will significantly exceed the variety Valfi (with mauve mottled flesh) in anthocyanin content and antioxidant capacity of tubers, will be minimaly equivalent in market yield of tubers and in contrast to cv. Valfi will be due to its cooking and utilization properties suitable for direct consumption with their skins (potatoes boiled in their jackets). During the investigation the effect of genotype of this type of varieties on the table value of tubers, marketing yield of tubers, total anthocyanin content, and antioxidant capacity of tubers flesh will be evaluated. In relation to the recent knowledge of the content of individual major anthocya (en)