Stanovit postupy pro uplatnění kompostů ze zbytkové biomasy pro úpravu fyzikálních a hydrofyzikálních vlastností deficitních orných půd i půd, určených pro obnovu TTP, se zaměřením na omezení odtoku srážkové vody a zvýšení akumulace vody v krajině (cs)
The organic matter decrease in soil and excessive soil loading with farm mechanization leads to the soil structure degradation and consequently to water regime failure in soil. By means of controlled composting it is possible to produce organic matter (compost) usable for soil physical and hydro physical properties improvement. In selected soil- climatic areas there will be established semi- operational trials with aim to verify the compost impact on deficiency soil using model treatment of graded compost portion and simplified crop circulation. There will be experiments on arable soil and by permanent grassland rehabilitation.There also will be investigated compost effect on soil hygrophysical properties and its influence on soil water infiltration. After the experiments evaluation the compost recommended portion and composition from the residual biomass will be processed. The residual biomass belongs to the category of crop and agricultural farming activity where will be defined for the soil condi (en)
Optimalizace vodního režimu v krajině a zvýšení retenční schopnosti krajiny uplatněním kompostů z biologicky rozložitelných odpadů na orné půdě i trvalých travních porostech (cs)
Optimization of water regime in landscape and increasing of its retention ability through application of compost from biologically degradable waste on arable land and permanent grassland (en)