Although the chromosome aberrations are a considerable factor influencing the mortality of early embryos in domestic animals, information about their frequency and nature is limited. A pig, besides its agricultural importance, plays a significant role as a model in biomedicine and becomes a target for biotechnological applications. The aim of this project is to describe numerical chromosomal aberrations in in-vivo early pig embryos and contribute to the comprehensive understanding of the concern. We will use the whole genome amplification and the comparative genome hybridization, the methods which are used for comprehensive evaluation of chromosomal aberrations in early human embryos. (en)
Zjistit skutečnou incidenci numerických aberací chromozomů u prasat za podmínek fertilizace a raného embryonálního vývoje in vivo. Stanovit dynamiku eliminace chromozomálně poškozených embryí a její význam pro embryonální mortalitu. (cs)