Biodiversity of both agricultural land and adjacent areas is strongly influenced by both management methods and technologies used. Agrobidiversity (both planned and aassociated)has many specific functions beside production. We strongly stress the ecological, environmental and production services produced by associated biodiversity for productive and sustainable agriculture. In the main focus of our interests are pests (including vectors of diseases) and their bioregulators. The following hypothesis will be evaluated: associated biodiversity may serve as an indicator of the overall influence of technologies used on biodiversity as a whole. Recently, management strategies of European agriculture is changing as well as land use patterns. These changes are partly influenced by transition from central planned economies and collective land tenure to decentralized agriculture and private land tenure in East and Central Europe and partly by CAP leading to direct payments to those fulfilling criteria of agr (en)
Cílem projektu je monitoring variability hmyzu v rozdílných způsobech zemědělského využívání půdy a zemědělských technologiích se zaměřením na variabilitu hmyzích škůdců a jejich bioregulátorů v travních a jetelovinových porostech a jejich okolí. (cs)
Interactions of insect biodiversity in an landscape with various methods of agricultural land use and technolgies with respect to pests of grasses and alfalfa and their bioregulators. (en)
Ovlivňování biodiverzity hmyzu v krajině různými způsoby zemědělského využití půdy a zemědělskými technologiemi se zaměřením na škůdce trav a jetelovin a jejich bioregulátory. (cs)