Elaboration of methodology of valuation of socio-economic importance of forest services including criteria and indicators of multifunctinal forest management. System of forest sevices valuation and of criteria and indicators of multifunctional forest maangement will be created considering economic, evironmental and social aspects of sustainable development. The methodology will be elaborated in an electronic form. Available databases will be used for solution of the project, and a new database will be created in relation with the performing of the project, based on the methodology and results. The project team consists of the #ORIGch University of Agriculture in Prague - The Faculty of Forestry and Environment (coordinator), The Forest and Game Management Research Institute Jíloviště-Strnady and The Mendel Agricultural and Forestry University in Brno - The Faculty of Foretry and Wood Technology. (en)
Cílem projektu je vytvořit systém hodnocení společenské sociálně-ekonomické významnosti funkcí lesů včetně kritérií a indikátorů polyfunkčního obhospodařování lesů. Bude vytvořena metodika v elektronické formě, a systém bude aplikován na lesy a LH. (cs)