"The goal of the project is to publish the popular-science issue named ""40 years of astronomy"". This issue shows by comprehensible style summary of furthermost discoveries and events in astronomy in our and in other countries during last 40 years. The author of this issue is known propagator of astronomy, astrophysician Dr.J.Grygar. This book is intended for general public, especially for students of all types of the schools. The goal of the book is to wake the interest of astronomy, astronomical technique and of natural sciences of all." (en)
CÝlem projektu je podpora vydßnÝ populßrný-výdeckÚ astronomickÚ publikace s nßzvem ä40 let astronomieô, kterß uvßdÝ srozumitelnou formou p°ehled nejvřznamnýjÜÝch objev¨ a udßlostÝ v astronomii u nßs i ve svýtý za uplynulřch 40 let. Autorem publikace je znßmř popularizßtor astronomie, astrofyzik dr.Ji°Ý Grygar. Kniha je urŔena nejÜirÜÝ ve°ejnosti, zejmÚna pak ×ßk¨m a student¨m vÜech typ¨ Ükol. Klade si za cÝl vzbudit zßjem o astronomii, astronomickou techniku a p°ÝrodnÝ výdy v¨bec. (cs)