Prokázat transport mikroskopických hub rodu Fusarium a Penicillium, které produkují mykotoxiny, na povrchu a v exkrementech roztoče Tyrophagus putrescentiae v ječmeni. Transport bude sledován v mikrokosmových experimentech. (cs)
In this project we will test the hypothesis that the mites can transfer fungi to the stored human food and animal feed and thus cause mycotoxin contamination. To test the hypothesis, the milestones were set as follows:(1) The construction and optimization of PCR markers for identification of mycotoxin producing fungal strains or mycotoxin biosynthetic genes. (2) The transfer of fungi via mites into sterile grain in the microcosms. (3) The transfer of fungi via mites into grain with the developed fungal community in the microcosms. In the both designs we will observe the contents of mycotoxins in the microcosms in relation to the number of transferring mites. The outputs of the project are the primers and optimized PCR methods and 2 papers in scientific journals. (en)