Research project is aimed at minimizing the risks of winter and spring wheat grain contamination with mycotoxins following Fusarium head blight (FHB) infection. Aims of the proposed project:1/To obtain under conditions of artificial FHB infection a desirable more complex information about the resistance of feeding wheat and spring barley varieties recommended for growing in the Czech Republic 2/ To study the relation between DON and ZEA content in the infected grain 3/ To monitor the content of DON and ZEA in feed (raw material, feed mixture) 4/To monitor the occurrence of mycotoxins (ZEA and DON above all) in milk (en)
Analyzovat úroveň rezistence odrůd pšenice a ječmene ke klasovým fuzariózám, stanovit vztah obsahu mykotoxinů deoxynivalenolu a zearalenonu a určit míru rizika kontaminace krmiv a mléka mykotoxiny. (cs)