Cílem projektu je pomocí experimentálních měření a modelování fyzikálních mechanizmů v podmínkách reálné atmosféry navrhnout reprezentaci bezdrátového přenosového kanálu pro pevné pozemní spoje zahrnující závislost na kmitočtu elektromagnetické vlny. (cs)
The goal of the proposed project is to significantly contribute to the scientific programme of the COST Action IC0802 within the Working Group 3 which deals with the channel modelling for terrestrial free space optical systems and airborne terminals. Wireless transmission channel model for fixed terrestrial optical, radio, and hybrid optical/radio links dependent on the used frequency will be developed on the base of results of the experimental research in the frequency bands 58 GHz, 93 GHz, 1550 nm and 850 nm, of the meteorological parameters measurement and of the modelling of real atmosphere conditions. The planned works within the proposed project can be generally specified into 4 points: 1) The draft of methodology of the utilization of optical/radio/meteorology data for modelling of characteristics of wireless, i.e. optical, radio, and hybrid optical/radio transmission channel. 2) Bringing into propagation research survey the proposed long-term measurement campaign at optical and radi (en)