The project is focused on polymeric materials loaded with inorganic nanoparticles – polymer nanocomposites. To utilized the unique properties of polymer composites two key factors of nanocomposites processing have to be controlled. These factors involve dispersion of nanoparticles in polymer matrices and processibility of resulting nanocomposites. Controlled processing is not possible without knowledge of rheological behaviour of nanocomposites. Thus, rheology was adopted as the main analysis tool to characterize the polymer nanocomposites in the present project. The objective of the project is to describe the effect of particular parameters (chemical and phase constitution, polymer type, method of nanoparticle dispersion and stabilization, volume loading) on rheological behaviour of polymer melts and solutions. These results will enable to optimize nanocomposite constitution and processing and obtain the optimum properties of nanocomposite products. (en)
Cílem projektu je popsat reologii polymerních tavenin a roztoků obsahujících nanočásticové plniva a korelovat zjištěné reologické chování nanokompozitních směsí se složením, velikostí, tvarem a obsahem nanočástic a úrovní disperze nanočástic. (cs)