Posoudit možností zlepšování potenciálu rostlin s ohledem na kvalitu a bezpečnosti krmiv, vyhodnotit variabilitu genů podmiňujících krmnou kvalitu obilovin a olejnin, zavést účinnou detekci kontaminujících biologických činitelů ve vzorcích krmiv. (cs)
Food quality and safety is given by numerous factors. Quality of animal products is given beside others by feedstuff quality. It depends on plant production, namely quality of plant genotypes used on farms. Project aims to (1) gathering and processing of information how to improve quality of plant production, namely by breeding and biotech approaches, (2) testing and exploitation of methods detecting DNA polymorphism of cereals and oily plants genes underlying feeding quality by the use of PCR, real-time PCR and DNA macroarrays, (3) tend to detect biological contaminants in real samples of feedstuff and (4) identify PCR inhibitors in real samples of feedstuff. Project is related to CRI rearch activities and fit into COST action. (en)