Cílem je vypracovat interdisciplinární metodiku návrhu perspektivních komunikačních systémů (komplexní chápání návrhu celého systému, komplexní přístup k návrhu dílčích elektronických obvodů, softwarového vybavení a systémového propojení všech součástí). (cs)
The project is focused on the basic research of advanced technologies for perspective communication systems. Since the development of communication systems comprises solving hardware problems (reliable and efficient electronic circuits with additional functionalities), software problems (efficient methods of complex processing of communication signals and control ones), and system problems (harmonic cooperation of all subsystems), all the described aspects are considered in the research within the proposed project. The internal organization of the project corresponds to the workgroups of the COST action IC0803: 1. energy-saving communication devices, 2. intelligent communication devices, 3. the design of perspective communication systems. (en)
Radio communication; electronic circuits; signal processing; adaptive systems; software defined systems; cognitive systems; system design; optimization. (en)