Vyvinout komplexní model popisující dynamiku produkce trvalých travních porostů (TTP), který zobecní výsledky lokálních pokusů a stanoví produkční potenciál TTP v jednotlivých oblastech i jeho stabilitu v současných a změněných klimatických podmínkách. (cs)
Grassland productivity in the Czech Republic is significantly affected by the interannual weather variability, which in recent years exhibited more frequent drought episodes (e.g. 2000 or 2003) leading to lower yield stability. In combination with the pressure of globalization, tough competition on the agro-market and increasing prices of the animal-feed concentrates any unexpected decrease of fodder production means a serious impact on the farms’ economy. The negative effects of drought could be partly prevented by a system enabling determination of a region potential productivity and drought risk as it is case in Austria. Development and validation of such a tool is the core of the proposed project. This system could become a part of a system of obligatory drought insurance and/or an essential part of an early drought warning and prediction system. Finally, the project support will enable to prepare specialized maps of the production potential and its stability under present and future climatic co (en)
Vývoj metody hodnocení ročníkového vlivu na výnosnost trvalých travních porostů v podmínkách Rakouska a České republiky (cs)
Development of a methodology for evaluation of the seasonal variability impact on the productivity of permanent grasslands under conditions of Austria and Czech Republic (en)