Laser surface structuring system with inline surface scanning system. Targeted innovation: 1. Design of a modular inline-metrology system based on low-coherence interferometry for high-precision measurement of macro- and microstructure. 2. Advancement of low-coherence interferometry to achieve a large measurement range, high resolution and long working distance. 3. Utilization of focusing telecentric f-theta optics and scanning unit by the measurement beam. 4.In-process measurement of laser ablation and process control for optimization of process parameters. 5. Pre-process work piece alignment and active thermal expansion compensation. The central objective of this project is the development of an inline measurement setup based on low coherence interferometry and the integration into a laser beam structuring system. Further the prototype will be integrated in a laser structuring system to scan the macro and microstructure during the structuring process. The acquired measurement data will be an (en)
Cílem české části mezinárodního projektu scan4surf je především výzkum a vývoj nových, vysoce výkonových širokospektrálních zdrojů optického záření, vhodných pro měření profilu povrchu materiálů v průběhu procesu jejich mikrostrukturování laserem. (cs)