Project is going to research possibilities of bottlenecks management using Inteligent Transport Systems. Main target of the project will be developing an intelligent transport system for effective traffic flow management in bottlenecks. In the first stage of the project development, the attention will be paid to the issue of “zipping” and to ways to manage traffic flow, so that the road capacity is used in its maximum and undesirable behaviour of some drivers who unconsciously contribute to queues occurrence at narrow sites (either at the sites of road accidents or at roadwork sites) is prevented. The next main issue will be paid to possibillities of information distribution to drivers (en)
Hlubší poznání dynamiky chování dopravních proudů v místech s omezenou průjezdní kapacitou vozovek a vytvoření mikrosimulačních modelů na základě kterých bude realizován automatizovaný expertní systém. (cs)