Projekt má především přinést odpověď na otázku pravděpodobnostního rozdělení pevnosti materiálů a jejich disipační energie v závislosti na velikosti sledovaného tvaru i objemu konstrukce. (cs)
This project supplements research being conducted by the team of prof. Z.P. Bažant at Northwestern University in Evanston, USA. The aim is to intensify collaboration on this research. The problem to be solved deals with structural strength, which shall be studied with respect to structural reliability, i.e. with regard to a stochastic nature of material/structural strength. A pronounced effect that will also be examined is the size effect on structural strength. Researchers will study structures made of quasibrittle materials such as concrete, that fail by mechanical load either when cracks are initiated from a smooth surface or, by fracture progresses from a notch or a preexisting crack. Both, analytical and numerical analyses will be performed. Theoretical achievements will be anchored in theory of plasticity and linear elastic fracture mechanics, while numerical analyses will make use of computational stochastic fracture mechanics based on nonlinear finite element method. A universal approx (en)