Primárním cílem projektu je pomocí moderních nástrojů proteomiky charakterizovat rozdíly v proteinovým složením plodové vody u pacientek se spontánním předčasným porodem v gestačním stáří mezi 24+0 až 36+6 s přítomnosti či absencí intraamniálního zánětu. (cs)
Intraamniotic inflammation has been demonstrated to be associated with a significantly increased rate of neonatal adverse outcome, even in the absence of demonstrable positive cultures. The biochemical and protein composition of amniotic fluid is altered during pregnancy and reflects both physiological as well as pathological changes in the fetomaternal compartment. Modern proteomic technologies are able to detect and characterize even the slightest changes in protein composition of various biological matrices. In the proposed project, we are going to use a combination of multidimensional liquid chromatography separation with subsequent tandem mass spectrometric analyzes. Thanks to the ability to both identify and quantify a large number of proteins, this approach seems to be a very promising one for the detection of changes in amniotic fluid protein composition. Characterization of the human AF proteome represents a crucial step toward the subsequent study of aberrant protein expression and the ide (en)