Dovést nově navrženou koncepci směrového zpevnění do inženýrsky použitelného modelu. K tomu je zapotřebí a) vymezit rozsahy parametrů, b) odvodit vztahy pro kalibraci konstant a c) provést numerickou implementaci. Zobecnit model pro velké deformace. (cs)
This project aims at substantiation, refinement and further development of recently proposed models of directional distortional hardening to reach the stage of practically applicable theory, which may be employed to solve real-life problems of elastoplasticity and engineering in general. In particular, these goals consist in specification of models material parameters, experimental calibration of associated constants in terms of analytical solutions to the fundamental modes of deformation, such as the tensile tests, ratchetting, etc. and numerical implementation of the governing equations in the framework of the finite element computer code. The constitutive models considered should be later extended to materials sustaining loadings under very large strains with the inclusion of FE-coding mentioned before. (en)