In many bacteria, the expression of the genes involved in the metabolism of secondary carbon sources is typically repressed in the presence of the most favorable nutrient. This mechanism of regulation, designated carbon catabolite repression, has been extensively studied in B. subtilis. It requires participation of numerous specific repressors and activators controlling the level of transcription of catabolic genes. Transcriptional repressors involved in catabolic repression mainly belong to one of the two large families of prokaryotic transcriptional regulators, GntR and DeoR, respectively. Members of these families share an N-terminal helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain and and structurally dissimila C-terminal domains that are involved in effector binding and oligomerization. We have recently determined crystal structures of the effector binding domains of two transcriptional repressors from B. subtilis, CggR (central glycolytic genes regulator) and TreR (trehalose operon repressor), belonging t (en)
Cílem projektu je získat strukturní informaci o skupině transkripčních represorů účastnících se katabolické represe v bakterii Bacillus subtilis. K určení struktur využijeme metod rentgenové krystalografie. (cs)