Cílem předkládaného projektu je zabezpečit aktivní účast prof. J. Barka na činnosti Division of Analytical Chemistry of European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences a řídících orgánů European Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry. (cs)
The aim of the project is to support activities of prof. J. Barek in Division od Analytical Chemistry of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences and in European Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry. (en)
Representation of Czech analytical chemistry in European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) and in European Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (ESEAC). (en)
Reprezentace české analytické chemie v European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) a v European Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (ESEAC). (cs)