Conducting polymers represent a novel class of intelligent materials that change their properties in response to external stimuli. They find uses in the fields such as corrossion protection, fuel cell, batteries and supercapacitors, sensors and electrodes, etc. The project is oriented on (a) the fundamental research of conducting polymers, viz. polyaniline, in various morphological forms, such as thin films, nanotubes and nanowires (b) the support of the interational cooperation on the preparation and charazterization of conducting polymers, and (c) especially on the coordination and participation in the projects carried out by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. (en)
Cílem projektu je činnost směřující k získání nových odborných poznatků v oblasti vodivých polymerů a vytvoření mezinárodní sítě pracovišť podílejících se na řešení tohoto problému pod záštitou IUPAC. (cs)