Zajištění plynulého fungování a rozvoje SGA - mezinárodní vědecké organizace v oblasti ložisek nerostných surovin prostřednictvím podpory aktivní účasti Dr. Jana Pašavy, CSc. v řídících orgánech této vysoce prestižní společnosti. (cs)
The Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits is a prestigeous international scientific organization. The objectives for which the Society is constituted are: - to advance the application of scientific knowledge to the study and the development of mineral resources and their environment, - to promote the profession of geology in science and industry, - to cultivate personal contacts in mutually beneficial manner and - to protect and improve professional and ethical standards amongst its members. The main goal of this project is to assist in successful development of SGA during 2009-2012 through supporting active participation of Dr. Jan Pašava in executive management of this very prestigeous international scientific society. (en)