Jewish historical monuments represent one of the real cultural monument groups at the Czech Republic territory. These monuments are really interesting and very little explored. The Jewish settlement at the territory of Moravia and Silesia being found from the beginning of the second millenium during another thousand years has left its cultural steps in nearly thousand of quarters, Jewish areas with synagogues and cementeries. In consequence of the assimilation from the middle of the 19th century, especially owing to totalitarian nazi and communist regimes, only a small portion of these monuments, approximately 50 Jewish areas, 50 synagogues and 75 cemeteries, have been preserved at the territory of Moravia and Silesia. The objective of this to carry out the research and set together (text, plan, photographic) documentation of these monuments. (en)
Komplexní průzkum a dokumentace dochovaných židovských památek na území Moravy a Slezska - ghett, synagog a hřbitovů (cs)