Návrh algoritmů a výpočtový postup pro optimalizaci finanční náročnosti opatření na snížení zátěže životního prostředí a dopadů na lidské zdraví včetně jejich internalizace. (cs)
The part of on going investment venture of building a reconstruction on transport infrastructure is also building of equipment decreasing effect of transportation to the environment and human health. The economic point of view is very complex problem. Often it shows there are very wideband investments on the similar equipment in the different site and usefulness of the equipment does not exist. Our experiences give us theory there is big gap for optimalization of economic investments according observance of standards for environment and human protection. The project brings basic solving of the theory. The project will focus on economic analyzes (cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness) of investment to equipments on transport infrastructure. Project outcomes will be the Methodology of investment optimation for nature protection during building and reconstruction of road and railway infrastructure in the Czech Republic. (en)