Cieľom projektu je spracovať modely kompetencií sociálneho pedagóga v príslušných rezortoch a vypracovať modely praktickej prípravy s ohľadom na kľúčové kompetencie sociálneho pedagóga a jeho profesijnej príprave.Tieto modely budú slúžiť k vytvoreniu profesiogramu sociálneho pedagóga. (cs)
This project is oriented on the domain of the models of competences of the social pedagogue in resorts of administration and government resorts in the context of institualization this profession. The focus of our attentions is making models of key competences and science study of determinants and development the competences. Development determinants and development competences in a focus of personality preparation on university is a domain access. Partial aims are define as a theoretical study of accession competences (implementation to the university preparation) and comprehensive preparation during study on university. Implementation these models are very important as an input points to institualization this profession on the yarrow of educational professions and as a part of the process to classification profile institution. (en)