Cílem práce bylo zjistit akutní toxicitu dusičnanu stříbrného u dospělých ryb Danio rerio a Poecilia reticulata a následně porovnat citlivost těchto druhů ryb vůči této látce. Metodicky bylo postupováno podle OECD č. 203 Test akutní toxicity na rybách. (cs)
The aim of the study was to assess the acute toxicity of silver nitrate to adult zebrafish and adult guppies and compare the sensitivity of these species to this compound. The semistatic method according to OECD 203 was used in the tests.
The aim of the study was to assess the acute toxicity of silver nitrate to adult zebrafish and adult guppies and compare the sensitivity of these species to this compound. The semistatic method according to OECD 203 was used in the tests. (en)