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| - As it will be shown in this work, permeability of CP to the methanol can be as much as three orders of magnitude lower when compared with Nafion# membrane. This highly positive aspect, however, has to be considered carefully. This is because of two aspects. First of all, we have to consider CP film permeability to methanol being closely connected with its permeability to the water. In this case formation of the CP barrier layer on the top of the membrane would result in a serious disturbance of the water management inside the membrane. Second problem is connected with the CP film permeability for proton being produced during the anode reaction. This is proven by the results of composite activity test in the laboratory fuel cell. The aim of this study is to contribute to the clarifying of various aspects of application of CP in the low temperature fuel cells technology.
- As it will be shown in this work, permeability of CP to the methanol can be as much as three orders of magnitude lower when compared with Nafion# membrane. This highly positive aspect, however, has to be considered carefully. This is because of two aspects. First of all, we have to consider CP film permeability to methanol being closely connected with its permeability to the water. In this case formation of the CP barrier layer on the top of the membrane would result in a serious disturbance of the water management inside the membrane. Second problem is connected with the CP film permeability for proton being produced during the anode reaction. This is proven by the results of composite activity test in the laboratory fuel cell. The aim of this study is to contribute to the clarifying of various aspects of application of CP in the low temperature fuel cells technology. (en)
- Jak bude ukázáno v rámci této práce, permeabilita CP filmu pro methanol je o tři řády nižší ve srovnání se samotnou membránou Nafion. Tento pozitivní aspekt se však v jiném úhlu pohledu může stát negativním. Snížená propustnost CP filmu pro methanol bude spojena se snížením propustnosti pro vodu. V takové případě vznik bariérové CP vrstvy na povrchu membrány může vést k narušení vodného režimu uvnitř membrány. Druhý problém je spojen s permeabilitou CP filmu pro proton vznikající během reakce na anodě. Z tohoto důvodu byly provedeny testy stability v laboratorním palivovém článku.Cílem této práce je přispět k objasnění různých aspektů aplikace CP v nízkoteplotních palivových článcích. (cs)
| - Přednáška: Využití kompozitu Nafion / vodivý polymer v palivových článcích typu PEM (cs)
- Přednáška: Utilization of Nafion/Conducting polymer composite in the PEM type Fuel Cells
- Přednáška: Utilization of Nafion/Conducting polymer composite in the PEM type Fuel Cells (en)
| - Přednáška: Využití kompozitu Nafion / vodivý polymer v palivových článcích typu PEM (cs)
- Přednáška: Utilization of Nafion/Conducting polymer composite in the PEM type Fuel Cells
- Přednáška: Utilization of Nafion/Conducting polymer composite in the PEM type Fuel Cells (en)
| - RIV/60461373:22310/05:00015289!RIV06-GA0-22310___
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| - RIV/60461373:22310/05:00015289
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| - polypyrrole; polyaniline; permeability; electrocatalytic activity; synthesis; Nafion (en)
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| - Bouzek, Karel
- Paidar, Martin
- Kodým, Roman
- Moravcová, Sabina
- Holzhauser, Petr
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