Although the role of fungi in the transformation of litter in soils was already demonstrated (also by our group), the transformation of carbon pool in deeper soil horizons, e.g. plant roots and more recalcitrant compounds (humic and fulvic substances, humin) or of fungal mycelia attracted so far only a limited attention. The ecophysiology of enzyme production will be studied both in situ by random sapling or manipulative experiments and using selected isolates or microcosms in a laboratory setup. The main focus will be the C-containing soil compounds as a target for saprotrophy-related enzymes. In addition to the identification of active root decomposers, the study will also include the isolation, qPCR or RT-PCR quantification and sequencing. Manipulative experiments will mainly focus the quantitative and qualitative changes of individual belowground C pools. (en)
Cílem projektu je získat informace o roli hub při transformaci uhlíku v hlubších vrstvách půdy. Ekofyziologie produkce enzymů a složení aktivních společenstev hub budou studovány jak in situ vzorkováním, tak v laboratorních experimentech.
The aim of this project was to describe the transformation of organic compounds in deeper soil. Enzymatic processes participating in organic matter decomposition were identified and described in detail as well as the communities of participating soil microorganisms. The results were used to describe the current state-of-the art in the field of the project in cooperation with foreign partners withi (en)
Cílem projektu bylo popsat transformaci organických látek v hlubších vrstvách půd. Byly identifikovány a podrobně posány enzymatické procesy, vedoucí k dekompozici organických látek i společenstva půdních mikroorganismů, které se na rozkladu podílely. Výsledky umožnily syntézu současného stavu poznání ve spolupráci se zahraničními účastníky akce COST. (cs)