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| - The aim of the project is to obtain support for a team of doctoral students that has been formed duringthe recent years in the Center for Molecular Interactions and Biotransformations of Drugs, an academicconsortium founded by the Faculty of Science of Charles University Prague and Institute ofMicrobiology of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic. The team has been further supplementedwith teachers and students from University of Chemical Technology. 14 doctoral students of biochemistry and organic chemistry has been selected to work in a strategic direction involving molecular interactions and biotransformations of drugs. The doctoral team will be involved in advanced studies perfomed using modern methods of organic synthesis, screening methodologies, molecular modeling, experimental protein engineering,and bioassays based on the use of a range of experimental models. Mobility and advanced training ofdoctoral students will be organized through short- and medium-term practical training in laboratories ofdomestic and foreign partners, intensive workshops discussing the individual projects, and regulardisputes over papers and drafts of doctoral theses. The team of 20 doctoral students will be supervisedby experienced tutors who are well recognized experts in their specific areas of research. (en)
- Cílem projektu předkládaného řešiteli sdruženými kolem Centra molekulárních interakcí abiotranformací léčiv je získání finanční podpory pro doktorský tým vytvořený v minulých letech natomto akademickém pracovišti a sdružujícím pracovníky a studenty PřF UK, VŠCHT a MBÚ AV ČR. Velké množství společných projektů úspěšně financovaných v minulých letech a podpora vedení zakládajících institucí vytvořily dobré materiální podmínky pro práci doktorského kolektivu již v minulých letech. Ze širšího kolektivu doktorandů bylo pro předkládaný projekt vybráno 14 studentů doktorských programů biochemie a organické chemie a integrováno do týmu pracujícího ve strategickém směru studia molekulárních interakcí a biotransformací léčiv. Hlavním předmětem studia tohoto doktorského týmu bude osvojení a aplikace moderních metod kritických při současném návrhu a vývoji nových léčiv - organické syntézy, screeningových metod, molekulárního modelování, nženýrství proteinů, a širokého souboru metod pro sledování biologických účinků studovaných léčiv a jejich metabolitů. Součástí života doktorského týmu budou krátko- a střednědobé stáže v domácích i zahraničních partnerských laboratořích zaměřené zejména na získání praktických dovedností,intenzivní třídenní workshopy spojené s diskusí konkrétních projektů, a pravidelné interní oponenturypřipravovaných publikací a disertačních prací. Doktorský tým bude vedený zkušenýmiškoliteli pracujícími a publikujícími v příslušných oborech.
| - Preparation, biotransformation, and optimalization of compounds with antitumor and antimicrobial effects (en)
- Příprava, biotransformace a optimalizace látek s protinádorovými a antimikrobiálními účinky
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| - Drug; receptor; biological; effects; synthesis; biotransformation (en)
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| - With respect to number and quality of publications amounting as many as 41 original papers and minireviews, with a total impact factor 128.65, as well to fulfilling the main goal - preparation and participation of students on scientific work, the project deserves classification %22excellent%22. (en)
- Doktorský projekt splnil předpokládané cíle a přinesl řadu originálních výsledků s kvalitními výstupy. Tyto tvoří 41 impaktovaných publikací s celkovým IF 128.65, 5 článků ve sbornících a 2 patenty. K hospodaření s finančními prostředky nejsou připomínky. S ohledem na počet a kvalitu publikací i ke skutečnosti že byl naplněn cíl výchovy doktorandů je možno označit výsledky projektu za vynikající. (cs)
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| - Drug
- biological
- effects
- receptor
- synthesis
of | - Peptides with antimicrobial activity isolated from larvae of the fleshly Neobellieria bullata
- Hydrolysis of benzonitrile herbicides by soil actinobacteria and metabolite toxicity
- Synergistický efekt proteolytických enzymů trypsinu a chymotrypsinu za účelem snížení MIK vybraných antibiotik
- Theoretical investigation of differences in nitroreduction of aristolochic acid I by cytochromes P450 1A1, 1A2 and 1B1
- Effect of posttranslational modifications on enzyme function and assembly
- Photo-cytochrome b(5) - A New Tool to Study the Cytochrome P450 Electron-transport Chain
- Antimicrobial Cationic Peptides
- Therapeutic application of peptides and proteins: parenteral forever?
- Modulation of cytochrome P450 enzyme system by selected flavonoids
- Analysis of benzo[a]pyrene metabolites formed by rat hepatic microsomes using high pressure liquid chromatography: optimization of the method
- Oxidation of 3-aminobenzanthrone, a human metabolite of carcinogenic environmental pollutant 3-nitrobenzanthrone, by cytochromes P450 ? similarity between human and rat enzymes
- Preparation of apo-cytochrome b5 utilizing heme transfer to apo-myoglobin
- Mechanisms of the different DNA adduct forming potentials of the urban air pollutants 2-nitrobenzanthrone and carcinogenic 3-nitrobenzanthrone
- Role of cytochromes P450 and peroxidases in metabolism of the anticancer drug ellipticine: additional evidence of their contribution to ellipticine activation in rat liver, lung and kidney
- Enzymatic synthesis of dimeric glycomimetic ligands of NK cell activation receptors
- Enzymatic characterization and molecular modeling of an evolutionarily interesting fungal β-N-acetylhexosaminidase
- Genome mining for the discovery of new nitrilases in filamentous fungi
- Induction of biotransformation enzymes by the carcinogenic air-pollutant 3-nitrobenzanthrone in liver, kidney and lung, after intra-tracheal instillation in rats
- Isolation of antimicrobial peptides from New Zealand spinach Tetragonia tetragonioides
- Isolation of antimicrobial peptides and proteins from tomato
- Larvae of fleshfly Neobellieria bullata as a source for novel antimicrobial peptides
- Molecular architecture of mouse activating NKR-P1 receptors
- Role of Cytochromes P450 1A1/2 in Detoxication and Activation of Carcinogenic Aristolochic Acid I: Studies with the Hepatic NADPH:Cytochrome P450 Reductase Null (HRN) Mouse Model
- Role of P450 1A1 and P450 1A2 in Bioactivation versus Detoxication of the Renal Carcinogen Aristolochic Acid I: Studies in Cyp1a1(-/-), Cyp1a2(-/-), and Cyp1a1/1a2(-/-) Mice
- Study of antimicrobial peptide induction in Brassica napus
- Bioactivation versus Detoxication of the Urothelial Carcinogen Aristolochic Acid I by Human Cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1A2
- Biotransformation of benzonitrile herbicides via the nitrile hydratase-amidase pathway in rhodococci
- Close look at cytochrome P450-b5 catalytic complex
- Computational Modelling of Catalytic Properties and Modified Substrates of Fungal B-N-Acetylhexosaminidases
- Cytochrome b(5) shifts oxidation of the anticancer drug ellipticine by cytochromes P450 1A1 and 1A2 from its detoxication to activation, thereby modulating its pharmacological efficacy
- Cyclic peptides as an effective antibacterial drugs
- Dendri-RAFTs: a second generation of cyclopeptide-based glycoclusters
- Carbohydrate synthesis and biosynthesis technologies for cracking of the glycan code: Recent advances
- Testování účinnosti složek enzymových preparátů při spolupůsobení antibiotik
- Antimicrobiallly active peptides isolated from fleshfly larvae
- De novo design of short peptides with antimicrobial activity and the effect of acyl conjugation
- Purification and characterization of heterologously expressed nitrilases from filamentous fungi
- Recombinant alpha-L-rhamnosidase from Aspergillus terreus in selective trimming of rutin
- Production of Aspergillus niger beta-mannosidase in Pichia pastoris
- Sequencing, cloning and high-yield expression of a fungal beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase in Pichia pastoris
- Chemical cross-linking and H/D exchange for fast refinement of protein crystal structure
- The combination of hydrogen/deuterium exchange or chemical cross-linking techniques with mass spectrometry: Mapping of human 14-3-3 zeta homodimer interface
- Dimerization of an Immunoactivating Peptide Derived from Mycobacterial hsp65 Using N-Hydroxysuccinimide Based Bifunctional Reagents Is Critical for Its Antitumor Properties
- Facile production of Aspergillus niger a-N-acetylgalactosaminidase in yeast
- Influence of point mutations near the active site on the catalytic properties of fungal arylacetonitrilases from Aspergillus niger and Neurospora crassa
- NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase expression in Cyp1a-knockout and CYP1A-humanized mouse lines and its effect on bioactivation of the carcinogen aristolochic acid I
- Mouse Clr-g, a Ligand for NK Cell Activation Receptor NKR-P1F: Crystal Structure and Biophysical Properties
- The effects of selected flavonoids on cytochromes P450 in rat liver and small intestine
- Continuous hydrolysis of 4-cyanopyridine by nitrilases from Fusarium solani O1 and Aspergillus niger K10
- Synthetic N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine Based Fully Branched Tetrasaccharide, a Mimetic of the Endogenous Ligand for CD69, Activates CD69+ Killer Lymphocytes upon Dimerization via a Hydrophilic Flexible Linker
- Synthesis of Multivalent Glycoconjugates Containing the Immunoactive LELTE Peptide: Effect of Glycosylation on Cellular Activation and Natural Killing by Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
- Synthesis and biological activity of glycosyl-1H-1,2,3-triazoles
- Beta-N-Acetylhexosaminidase: What's in a name?
- Purification and characterization of nitrilase from Fusarium solani IMI196840
- Cooperation between subunits is essential for high-affinity binding of N-acetyl-D-hexosamines to dimeric soluble and dimeric cellular forms of human CD69
- Carboxylated calixarenes bind strongly to CD69 and protect CD69+ killer cells from suicidal cell death induced by tumor cell surface ligands