The project aims at defining the nature of the relationship between the process of the eastern EU enlargement - so far a unique case in the history of EC/EU enlargements due to its scope and character of the new member states - and the institutional setting and its functioning during the period 2004-2009. The basic questions leading this project are: how the eastern enlargement influenced the institutional framework, legislative process, relations among the actors - EU institutions and member states - and their behavior? Answers to these questions are crucial for assessment of the dynamics of the integration process and for the prediction of the progress both in the area of institutional/constitutional development of the EU and the agenda-setting and policy-making in the EU. The answers are therefore of fundamental importance for our ability to predict the medium- and long-term impacts on the position of individual EU members, including the Czech Republic. The project is based on extensive empirical research of the behavior of the primary actors and the institutions of the EU during the given period. Within the outputs of the project special attention will be paid to possible relevance of findings for the position of the Czech Republic within the EU. (en)
Cílem projektu je vymezení vztahu mezi procesem rozšíření a institucionálním uspořádáním a rozhodovacími procesy v EU v letech 2004-2009. Analýza bude založena na rozsáhlém empirickém výzkum chování primárních aktérů a institucí EU. Výstupem projektu bude monografické zpracování.