Presented project is focused on the research of current situation in the instruction about nature related to the problematic of the use of living things.Fundamental questions of the presented project are: (1) Is the choice of living things appropriate? (compared with the term, the state of nature, the content of curriculum, the process of instruction)(2) Why should living things be used at schools? (or even Why should a pupil work with living things and why should he see them?)Project objectives:(a) To describe historic development of the spectrum of living things as far as development of biology and conception of nature instruction are concerned.(b) To find out current state of the use of living things in the nature instruction.(c) To find out the needs and orientations of pre-service and in-service teachers education in the sense of cultivation of pedagogical competences in the domains of use of living things.(d) Discuss trends of further development of the use of living things in the nature instruction. (en)
Zjistit, zda je současný výběr přírodnin, které jsou využívány v učení o přírodě na 1. stupni ZŠ, adekvátní z hlediska doby, současného stavu přírody, obsahu RVP a procesu vyučování. Popsat současný stav využívání přírodnin na 1. stupni ZŠ a diskutovat perspektivy jejich využívání.