The proposed project is focused on recombination processes in low temperature plasma. A Collisional Radiative Recombination (CRR), where extra electron carries off energy, will be studied. A few accomplished CRR experiments do not follow theoretical predictions of very strong negative temperature dependence. We propose to study transition from disociative and radiative recombination to CRR in broad range of temperatures using two different experiments - Flowing Afterglow and Cryogenic Electron Trap. There will be studied slowly recombining ions e.g. Ar+, KrD+, KrH+ and D3+ to enhance relative effect of ternary CRR. The Flowing Afterglow apparatus that will be used has ability to measure very low recombination rate coefficients from 0.5×10-8 cm3 s-1. For precise identification of internal state of recombining D3+ ion we plan to use Cavity-RingDown absorption Spectroscopy. Proposed is also the study of plasma dominated by CRR including study of influence of the recombination on Electron Energy Distribution Function and on plasma relaxation. (en)
Studium kolizní radiativní rekombinace v plazmatu bude spočívat v měření závislosti rychlostního koeficientu rekombinace na teplotě v širokém rozsahu hodnot. Identifikujeme vnitřní stav rekombinujících iontů D3+. Budeme studovat vlastnosti plazmatu včetně energetické distribuční funkce elektronů.