Joint annual conference of postgraduate students involved in multi-center project of Czech Science Foundation: %22Studies of Diseases and their Causative Agents%22
Joint annual conference of postgraduate students involved in multi-center project of Czech Science Foundation: %22Studies of Diseases and their Causative Agents%22 (en)
Společná konference postgraduálních studentů projektu GAČR %22Výzkum infekčních chorob a jejich původců%22 (cs)
Joint annual conference of postgraduate students involved in multi-center project of Czech Science Foundation: %22Studies of Diseases and their Causative Agents%22
Joint annual conference of postgraduate students involved in multi-center project of Czech Science Foundation: %22Studies of Diseases and their Causative Agents%22 (en)
Společná konference postgraduálních studentů projektu GAČR %22Výzkum infekčních chorob a jejich původců%22 (cs)