The aim of the project, that is a follow up of a previous successful doctoral project at the Department of Botany, is to identify the effect of landscape and climate change on population dynamics of single species, on between species interactions (including interactions with other trophic levels) and on microevolutionary processes within species. We plan to do this by using the potential of single PhD. theses to solve questions that go beyond the research of a single PhD. project. The data collected using the single studies will be synthesized to provide broad understanding of factors driving changes in species diversity in the landscape. This knowledge will be used as a tool to predict expected biodiversity change. We also plan to use the results to suggest specific management actions leading to maintenance of high diversity at the landscape level. (en)
Cílem projektu, který navazuje na předchozí úspěšný doktorský projekt na katedře botaniky, je identifikovat vliv krajinných a klimatických změn na populační dynamiku jednotlivých druhů, mezidruhové interakce (včetně interakcí více trofických úrovní) a mikroevoluční procesy v rámci druhů.