The project is focused on the new and precise estimation of individual parameters of nitrogen balance (the utilization by plants, immobilization in soils, leaching by the surface and ground water, and N denitrification) released from long-term experiments (ČZU Praha and ÚKZUZ Brno experimental sites) representing different strategies of N application including application of sewage sludge. Data will be released from the precise field experiments set up in different soil-climate conditions. The effect of fertilizer application strategy on the production of greenhouse gases (N2O, CH4) will be estimated as well. New standard units estimating effective available N values for manure and sewage sludge (according to quality and N content), for the first time in Czech, will be released. Methods using Nmin. and Norg. will be critically evaluated and significantly innovated to optimize N fertilization. Different methods of potentially mineralizable N will be evaluated within the project as well. (en)
Cílem projektu je zpřesnění parametrů bilance dusíku v systému hnojivo - půda - rostlina - životní prostředí a dále korekce hnojení dusíkem při využití informací o obsahu frakcí minerálního a organického dusíku v půdě po aplikaci různých forem hnojiv. (cs)