Projekt je zaměřen na výzkum produkčního schématu pro pěstování zeleniny (rajčete a póru) organickým způsobem bez použití chemických hnojiv, s ošetřením arbuskulárními mykorhizními houbami a saprotrofními houbami rozkládajícími dodanou organickou hmotu. (cs)
Project is focused on development, identifying of underlying mechanisms and verifying functionality of organic and semi-organic production scheme of tomato and leek plants using unique combination of supplied organic matter, inoculation of symbiotic mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi. The principle of the production scheme is application of suitable combination of saprotrophic fungi capable of gradual decomposition of supplied organic matter, which is then uptaken by plants via symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi. The ultimate aim is to minimalize or eradicate agrochemical input into production scheme. (en)
arbuscular mycorrhiza; saprotrophic fungi; biotechnology; uptake and transport of nitrogen and phosphorus by plants; natural organic fertilizer; tomato; Lycopersicon lycopersicum L.; leek; Allium porrum L.; production schema; vegetable cultivation (en)