Souhrnně zpracovat vybraná fenologická a nestandardní agroklimatologická data za období 1991 - 2010 statistickými metodami a v prostředí geografických informačních systémů pro plošné zobrazení časového vývoje fenofází na území Česka (cs)
The main task is to create Phenology Atlas of Czechia for the period 1991 - 2010 by using geographic information systems. The general outputs will be maps, graphs and tables with text and botanical specification. The essantial emphasis will be placed on allergology important phenophases at allergology important plants. The history of Czech phenological observations and comparison with European phenology network will be also included as a part of Phenology Atlas of Czechia. Part of agroclimatological characteristics relevant to phenophases will be presented. This publication will be allocated for general public, supposed size A4, 180 - 200 pages. (en)