Bude dosaženo vývoje, laboratorní výroby, otestování modifikovaných tkáňových nosičů. Budou získány poznatky o: -inkapsulaci práškových disperzí -změnách nonvláken v důsledku plazmatických úprav -kvalitě proliferace buněk na vyvinutých implantátech (cs)
The CARSILA project is a common undertaking of POLAND and CZECH REPUBLIC concerning one aim where partners are interested in improvement of properties of steel implants (the polish part) and polymer nanofiber textile (the czech part) by different plasma methods, for cultivation of artificial tissue in order to use of these materials in tissue engineering. The Czech part of the project has two main objectives: the plasma modification of polymer nanofibers textile produced by electrospinning method and modification of polymer nanofibers by the carbon powder particles incorporation in the process of the core-shell electrospinning. The plasma modification will be realized by use of MW/RF PACVD and RF PACVD methods. Carbon particles will be produced by plasma technology and as next the core-shell electrospinning will be employed to encapsulate the powder into polymer structure. The developed materials will be tested to determine the cell proliferation in order to use the modified materials in tiss (en)