The project deals with the basic research in the area of digital systems architectures which will allow to increase their reliablity parameters. The objective is to develop a methodology which will allow to increase safety and tolerance against failures in SoC circuits. It will be possible to test these circuits by means of additionally configured IP cores which will allow to reduce hardware components needed for maintenance purposes and use dynamic self reconfiguration to repair them. These approaches combine redundancy and self-repair on different levels of reconfigurable blocks granularity. The reconfigurtion mechnisms will be investigated on various platforms utilising different levels of granularity. These activities will result in the methodology for the design of highly reliable systems with predefined fault tolerance and prediction of safe operation characteristics. The research will be performed on three universities which have sufficient experience with project management, they cooperate with both Czech and foreign institutions. (en)
- Navrhnout metodiku testování obvodu SoC pomocí dodatečně nakonfigurovaných testovacích jader - Navrhnout nové architektury SoC systému odolného vůči poruchám - Navrhnout způsob rekonfigurace a granularitu rekonfigurovatelných bloků optimalizující provozuschopnost, spolehlivost a bezpečnost. (cs)